The Mother of a dear friend and former co-worker and employee past away this past week. Mrs. Maxine Mathis was a wonderful Godly woman of strong faith and will. I had not seen Mrs. Maxine in quite some years after leaving that area of the country. She was a woman of strong values and morals and held to Matthew 22:36-40
"36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37 Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
Mrs. Maxine loved God and she loved her neighbors! This is a tribute that her Niece Tracie wrote for the funeral service and it is a glimpse into the heart of Mrs. Maxine.
March 22, 2007
Last night as I lay in bed trying to sleep my thoughts kept going back several years to the time when my Aunt Maxine’s knees wore completely out and she could no longer walk. It sounds kinda strange me thinking of her knees lying there but it was her knees I thought of.
I believe her knees started wearing out when she had to chase after her two children: Jimmie Sue & Johnny Max as they were growing up. I also remember her chasing after me which was no easy task. I thought of a time when she wore her knees out taking care of numerous foster children after she and Uncle Jim lovingly opened their home to needy children. She wore her knees out working at Vacation Bible School every year even after Stephen, Jammie and Katie were born.
I remember wearing her knees out walking many, many miles knocking on doors while on church campaigns. Those knees really got a work out trying to bring others to the Lord. She also gave those knees a severe work out at Western Ky Youth Camp every summer. Keeping her cabin 2 girls in line while at the same time earning the title of Shaving Cream Queen!
Aunt Maxine wore her knees out driving the old Blue Goose church bus, picking up kids from one end of the county to the other. Her knees really took a beating each year at Christmas when she so lovingly played Santa to any needy child that wanted a little love and kindness. She wore her knees out when she worked tirelessly with the Prison Ministry trying to reach out to any lost soul. She wore her knees out bringing others the good news.
In her later years she wore her knees out taking care of Granny . She stayed by her side even when her knees were almost gone. Staying by her side until God was ready for Granny.
My Aunt Maxine never complained. No one knew that her knees had worn out until she just couldn’t walk any more.
But now she is on her knees before the throne of God with knees that are no longer worn out. Her knees are brand new!
I have been so very blessed to have had My Aunt Maxine in my life. We have all been blessed I just pray that some day my knees will wear out for the Lord too!
We have all been blessed for knowing Maxine Mathis.
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